Student Travel Grants
The Executive Committee has agreed that from July 2002 increased maximum awards for Student Travel Grants will be available and a reduced qualifying membership time for a grant will be applied.
The maximum grant offered will be �150.
Each grant will be offered in the form of a package depending upon the type of meeting for which the grant is requested.
The Society welcomes applications for Travel Grants from students who wish to attend a:
Society Main Meeting
The grant to include
two night's free accommodation (up to �60 maximum)
travel up to a maximum of �90.
Society Focused Meeting
The grant for a one day meeting includes
registration fees (up to �25)
travel up to �125.
The grant for a 2-day focused meeting includes
Registration fees (up to �50)
Accommodation for one night (up to �50)
Travel (up to a maximum of �50)
Independent Meeting sponsored by the Society for which Student members may claim a maximum travel grant of �50.
The following principles apply to application for a Student Travel Grant:
- Students can apply for a Travel Grant if they are a member of the Society by the closing date for poster abstract submission for that particular meeting.
- Students can only apply for one Student Travel Grant in a year.
- Students are not eligible for a Student Travel Grant if they have already received funding from the General Travel Fund in that same year.
- All student members of the Biochemical Society are entitled to apply for these Travel Grants and this entitlement will extend to Ph.D. graduates for two years after graduation and to foreign student members in respect of travel in the UK and Irish Republic.
How to apply
The normal registration form for Society Main and Focused Meetings should be completed and submitted with the grant application. Grant applications received four weeks prior to the meeting will be available for collection at the meeting; however, you may apply for a grant at the Registration Desk, or up to four weeks after the meeting. In the case of Independent Meetings, when registration is not via the Society, a copy of the confirmation letter should be supplied with the grant application.
Subject to approval, applicants will receive a cheque for the appropriate amount. The maximum amount for travel expenses that will be reimbursed will be at the level of the current Young Persons Railcard fare. If the application does not use up the full amount of the Grant the balance cannot be transferred to another meeting.
Members are also reminded that separate arrangements apply for Harden Conferences.