Members of the Biochemical Society who publish in the Biochemical Journal can now benefit from free colour in their papers. If you have been a member of the Society for two years or more, your first colour figure will be free (a saving of �550) and any subsequent figures in the same paper will cost �300 each. The colour figures, including the free one, must be deemed scientifically necessary by the Editor. Why not submit your next paper to the Biochemical Journal and help support the journal of your Society? www.BiochemJ.org The Biochemical Society has been serving biochemistry and biochemists since 1911. If you work in the molecular life sciences, the Biochemical Society has something to offer you! - even if you already belong to a specialist society. An international membership puts you in touch with some nine thousand members world-wide. Anyone interested in biochemistry can join and may take advantage of the benefits offered by the Society. The Society consists of student, ordinary, emeritus and honorary members. Ordinary membership is open to anyone with an interest in biochemistry or the wider life sciences. Student membership is available to anyone studying in higher education, and for two years after graduation, whether following a first degree, Masters or Ph.D. Emeritus membership is available to all those retired from full time employment after 20 years of ordinary membership. Honorary membership is awarded to scientists of distinction via the Annual General Meeting. Students - The Biochemical Society is committed to supporting younger members through a package of benefits which can help keep you in touch with the latest developments in your field. Student members make up more than a quarter of the Society's membership. We offer all members:
How to ApplyTo apply - complete a membership application form and return it to the address below together with the full remittance for membership and any publications ordered. Students should ensure that the application form is countersigned by the Head of Department, Supervisor or Manager. Full members please note that the requirement for three members' signatures can be waived. All applications are subject to the approval of the Membership Subcommittee. If for any reason your application is refused, a refund will be given. Please allow 28 days for election to membership. The membership year runs from 1st January to 31st December. Applications received after 1st September will be treated as for the following year - but membership benefits will apply immediately. In subsequent years a reminder will be sent automatically. Full members' subscriptions are eligible for tax relief in the UK. The payment of the annual subscription entitles a member to all the privileges of the Society and indicates acceptance by the member of the rules set out in the Articles of Association. On election, a member is bound by all the regulations of the Society as set out in the articles of Association. The Articles contain detailed rules regarding the administration of the Society including the election of Officers, Council, Executive Committee, etc. The Society is established as a company limited by guarantee, and as such the liability of each member is limited to �1 in the event of the Society being wound up. Current subscription ratesMembership fees for 1999 & 2000
Enquiries and applications should be addressed to:- Membership DepartmentThe Biochemical Society c/o Portland Press Limited Commerce Way Colchester Essex, CO2 8HP United Kingdom Tel: 01206 796351 Fax: 01206 799331 email: [email protected] 59 Portland Place, London W1B 1QW; Tel: 020 7580 5530; Fax: 020 7637 3626; E-mail: [email protected] |